A little in-site into our fabulous Thai restaurant!
News, views and how to's...
Take a look at our restaurants new interior...
A little bit of Thailand has arrived in Bishops Stortford...
After what seems like months of planning the changes to our restaurants interior; choosing the right paint colour combinations and a rather lovely Thailand buying trip to source interesting pieces to add that 'authentic' Thai feel to our restaurant, followed by a very, very, long wait for it all to arrive by boat... we were finally able to start our renovations.
The toilets were the first to be refreshed and then we worked our way through the restaurant with a new two tone colour pallet to the walls. The bar area was updated and refreshed and we were finally able to unpack all of the treasures from Thailand, the fruits of our buying trip, proudly displaying them on the wall and placing them around the restaurant, for that authentic feel, we are pleased to finally show you the results of all our hard work.
We hope you think it was worth it and look forward to welcoming you in to see it.
Interior Refurbishment Planned
We are so please by our new exterior, we thought we would continue inside...
Inspired by the new look exterior of our restaurant (and the amazing responses from our customers) we thought that it was time to revisit the interior. New paint has been ordered and a buying trip to Thailand completed and we are just waiting for everything to arrive...
A reminder of what the restaurant looks like at the moment...
Restaurant changing face...
You may have noticed that the exterior of our restaurant is undergoing a bit of a refresh at the moment...
You may have noticed that the exterior of our restaurant is undergoing a bit of a refresh at the moment. It has been on our minds for a while now and we have researched colours that are modern, yet in keeping with the age of the property, and to move ourselves away from the 'old pub' feel. So, we are waving goodbye to the red, toning back the white panels to match and introducing a grey to all of the woodwork... we hope you like it - we do!
More images to follow as the work continues...